Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Operators (SSIS Expression)

This post describes which operators you can use within the SSIS expression language.

Cast (SSIS Expression): Convert SSIS Data Types
Converts an expression from one data type to a different data type.
() (Parentheses) (SSIS Expression)
Identifies the evaluation order of expressions.
+ (Add) (SSIS Expression)
Adds two numeric expressions.
+ (Concatenate) (SSIS Expression)
Concatenates two expressions.
- (Subtract) (SSIS Expression)
Subtracts the second numeric expression from the first one.
- (Negate) (SSIS Expression)
Negates a numeric expression.
* (Multiply) (SSIS Expression)
Multiplies two numeric expressions.
/ (Divide) (SSIS Expression)
Divides the first numeric expression by the second one.
% (Modulo) (SSIS Expression)
Provides the integer remainder after dividing the first numeric expression by the second one.
|| (Logical OR) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a logical OR operation.
&& (Logical AND) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a logical AND operation.
! (Logical Not) (SSIS Expression)
Negates a Boolean operand.
| (Bitwise Inclusive OR) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a bitwise OR operation of two integer values.
^ (Bitwise Exclusive OR) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation of two integer values.
& (Bitwise AND) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a bitwise AND operation of two integer values.
~ (Bitwise Not) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a bitwise negation of an integer.
== (Equal) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if two expressions are equal.
!= (Unequal) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if two expressions are not equal.
> (Greater Than) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is greater than the second one.
< (Less Than) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is less than the second one.
>= (Greater Than or Equal To) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second one.
<= (Less Than or Equal To) (SSIS Expression)
Performs a comparison to determine if the first expression is less than or equal to the second one.
? : (Conditional) (SSIS Expression)
Returns one of two expressions based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression.

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